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St Mary's Primary School, Maghera


2023/2024 School Year

14th Nov 2023
If your child is starting P1 next September why don’t you bring them along...
14th Nov 2023
A great start to the day with big crowds and a great breakfast at Lauren’s...
14th Nov 2023
Inside and outside this week for our sessions by the C.L.G Watty Graham, An Gleann...
14th Nov 2023
We were delighted to have James in today taking guitar tuition as he does every Tuesday....
14th Nov 2023
Tremendous work from Patrick today in Mrs Burke’s LSC1 class. Great writing...
13th Nov 2023
Mrs Mulholland’s Eco Council had a great meeting this afternoon. Lots of excellent...
13th Nov 2023
A great start to Anti-Bullying Week with our odd socks day. Thank you everyone! Great...
10th Nov 2023
A busy but great week back after the half term break. Congratulations to Grace, Cara,...
10th Nov 2023
Some mess and some fun at Megan and Aoife’s P1/P2 afterschool club today. A...